Monday, November 19, 2007

tyler at 6 weeks old :)

Friday, November 09, 2007


This was the first year I've stayed in the house and did not go door to door with Mikaela and Cameron! Tyler is eating every 2-3 hours so didn't have a choice....I cannot believe a month is already gone by.....he is already 10 pounds at 1 month old!!! He is doing well in that aspect, but he is having major bouts of is pretty tiring, but we are pushing thru it....I'm look'n foward to the next few months flying by too.

Mikaela wanted to be a pop star and she insisted on putting together her own costume! Cameron was a ninja.....I tried to get him to wear some more accessories with it, but it just wasn't interested lol They trick or treated with their cousins this year! Blake looked so cute as a monkey......and Tyler will get to wear it in a few years!