Tuesday, August 07, 2007

First Day of School

Oh golly WOW I have a 4th and 3rd grader! I'm telling you time seems to fly by when you have kiddos.....They were both extremely excited, even Cameron! He woke up with Kevin and I at 5:15 and didn't go back to sleep! They seemed to handle the day pretty well though. I went to work ASP and we didn't get home until 6:15 and they didn't seem too tired, but did go to sleep her quickly at 8:00 bedtime....

Tyler's Room

Well it is just about finished, it really needs some more decor on the walls, but besides that we are just about ready with everything! Only 2 more months to go! We are very excited and cannot wait! He is moving constantly.....I never remember Mikaela or Cameron moving as much as this one does.....not having any problems at all, my measurements are fine, although I've had just about everybody tell me I don't look like I'm that far along....hmm not bad I don't guess heehee